Jackson Services
"I actually want to live. I believe in myself and for the first time have hope for my future. I am so proud of myself and I am so thankful I had Kairos to help me."
At Jackson Services, we employ a group approach involving a team of professionals that can include one or more of the following: individual and family therapist, skills coach, peer support, family support, and licensed medical provider. The services we provide are trauma-informed based on consideration of the youth’s needs and strengths and provided in collaboration with the family and involved supports. Services are flexible and can occur in an office setting or be delivered in the community (e.g., school, home, etc.).
Supports can be adjusted when, 1) needs are identified as dangerous or disabling and they require immediate intervention; 2) the need for intensive intervention has decreased; or 3) there is a need to monitor or take preventive action.
This allows services to be delivered across various levels of intensity while matching severity of needs to the frequency and focus of treatment in a fluid manner that best fits the needs of the youth and family.
Jackson Services also offers Interval crisis respite home, an opportunity for youth ages 4 to 17 who are experiencing emotional or behavioral crisis to receive a brief break from their regular living situation. Respite can be planned or due to a crisis and is typically a two-night stay unless prior approval is received.
10 Crater Lake Avenue
Medford, Oregon 97504
Phone (541) 772-0127
Fax (541) 772-0966
If you are a medical or behavioral health professional wishing to refer a youth to Jackson Services please send referral information to email: KairosJacksonReferral@kairosnw.org or fax: 541-772-0966